York Musical Society (YMS) is a large and friendly choral society that rehearses in central York and performs popular and less-known works from the classical choral repertoire.

We perform three or four concerts a year, usually in the glorious venue of York Minster – memorable for performers and audience alike. We also give smaller, more informal concerts at Christmas.

The choir rehearses on Monday evenings at St Peter’s School (8-13), Bootham, York. We always welcome new members and Friends of YMS

YMS is twinned with a similar-sized choir in Germany, the Philharmonischer Chor Münster. It’s always a great pleasure to invite our friends from Münster to join us in a concert, or to travel to sing with them.

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OUR Next Concert:

Saturday 9 November 2024, 7.30pm
St Lawrence’s Church, Lawrence Street, York


Duruflé’s Requiem is a work of atmospheric beauty and serenity, combining Gregorian chant melodies with more modern harmonies.
Howard Goodall’s Eternal Light uses Latin text and English poems in a beautiful, contemporary
‘Requiem for the living’.


YMS Community Events

We believe in encouraging more people to enjoy singing. We organise an annual choral workshop to which all singers are welcome.

Our next workshop will be on Saturday 18 January 2025, 10am to 5pm
St Lawrence’s Church, Lawrence Street, York

Choral workshop – Rutter: The Sprig of Thyme

YMS welcomes singers to our ever popular workshop to learn Rutter’s sequence of traditional songs of the British Isles.


We also take part in the Festival of Ideas run by the University of York, usually by holding an open rehearsal.


Musical Director

Our musical director is David Pipe who, besides running YMS and working as a freelance organist, is increasingly in demand as a conductor, workshop leader, and adjudicator. Read his biography on our 'About Us' page.

We look forward to seeing you at our concerts, annual workshop and other events.    


Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2024 York Musical Society